To accurately summarise the issues surrounding fetal tissue vaccines, to enable moral and ethical evaluation.
Thorough research and extensive referencing of all ideas presented empowers verification and digging deeper.
This work is only possible by standing on the shoulders of many who have passed before.
In particular, Debi Vinnedge of Children of God for Life has provided an outstanding resource in this area — and also kindly checked the key article.
Peter McCullagh’s book is meticulously thought through and well researched — and thus exceptionally clarifying.1Dr McCullagh does not reach the same conclusion we do — being “on the same page, but different paragraphs”. Specifically, Dr McCullagh rejects a strict anti-utilitarian approach, still approving the use of such vaccines as life saving for the community, thus offsetting the concerns.
In general thanks must be given to the many Catholics in this area who have painstakingly gathered the evidence and done the hard work of rigorous moral and ethical thinking.
Thomas Seidler